About this Privacy Policy

Recruiterbolt is a trading name of Salesbolt Inc. Therefore this policy and any associated terms and conditions are with Salesbolt Inc.

This privacy policy explains what Salesbolt does with personal data. Please read it carefully. If there is anything you don’t understand, please email us at privacy@recruiterbolt.com and we will be happy to explain further. We last updated this privacy policy on the 7th June 2023. As our various services grow and evolve, and as changes in the law arise, we may need to update it from time to time. Updated versions will be posted on this page. If appropriate, we will also notify those affected by email of any significant changes.

Who we are and what we do

Our correspondence address is: 2803 Philadelphia Pike, Suite B, PMB 7077, Claymont, Delaware, 19703, United States.

Salesbolt offers a Chrome Extension that helps our customers utilise and integrate B2B networking sites with CRM systems to ensure that the data they hold about their customers in their CRM is easily updated and accessible to users.

Who controls your information and who to contact in relation to your information

Any enquiries in relation to your information, or any request to exercise your rights under data protection law in respect of your information, should be directed to the person that controls your information, as set out below. Please see “What are my rights in relation to my information” further below for details of what rights you have over your information.

If your information is collected by a Salesbolt product

A Salesbolt product used by one of our customers may collect some of your information where you have a relationship with that customer. That relationship may be by virtue of exchanging emails or calendar invites with the customer, or interacting on professional, social or other websites where your information is shared.

However, where Salesbolt collects your information in these circumstances, it does this on behalf of the customer in question and it is that customer that controls your information. Any queries or requests to exercise any of your rights in relation to your information should therefore be directed to that customer. Whilst we do not control your information in these circumstances, the information contained on this page may still be useful to you in understanding how the Recruiterbolt product works, and how it collects your information on behalf of our customer.

If you have a direct relationship with Salesbolt

Examples include where you are an employee of Salesbolt, a customer of Salesbolt or a supplier to Salesbolt. However, if you are an employee of Salesbolt, please see the staff handbook, as this policy does not apply to you.

In these circumstances, Salesbolt controls your information to the extent that it relates to that relationship, and any queries or requests to exercise any of your rights in relation to that information should be directed to Salesbolt.

Where a person has a direct relationship with Salesbolt, we will generally stop processing that person’s personal data if they ask us to, unless we have a good and lawful reason to continue doing so (such as to recover a debt or to investigate abuse of our services). However, if a Salesbolt user asks us to stop processing their personal data, then depending on the precise scope of the request we may not be able to continue to provide our services to that user, or the customer that user works for. We do not offer refunds in those circumstances.
If you also have relationships with Salesbolt’s customers, Salesbolt’s customers may also control some of your information separately (see above, “If your information is collected by a Salesbolt product”).

The information we collect, how we collect it, why we collect it, and what we do with it

CRM Systems –  Recruiterbolt Users Only

When a Recruiterbolt user creates an account with Recruiterbolt to use any of our services, we ask them to authorise us, via Salesforce OAuth, to interact with their CRM system in the context of the user. We use that authorisation to access the information we need in the CRM system for account administration, for providing our services and for communicating with your business about our services. You can read more detail about any of those purposes below.

Account Administration

As part of our account creation process, we collect contact details and related data from each Recruiterbolt user’s CRM system account. For this reason, we recommend that our customers set up CRM system users using their business contact details.

We collect that data, as a data controller, in order to allow us to create and administer users’ accounts with us, to set up the business they work for as our customer, to enable us to communicate with our customer about our services, to assess the correct licensing levels for our customer, to ensure compliance with our terms of service and to enable us to provide our services effectively. In our terms of service, the business that is our customer has agreed that we can do this, and that it has the right to allow it.

Our legal basis for processing information in this way is necessity for the performance of our contract, or trial contract, with our customer, the employer of the users. Failure to allow Salesbolt to process information in this way will prevent Salesbolt from providing its services to the customer.

We retain this data throughout the period that the customer remains a customer or active product user and for two years following termination of the customer contract or the user ceasing use (as the case may be).

Providing Services

CRM – To provide our services, we require access to the data in the customer’s CRM system to provide search, load, match, update and create actions. This includes access to profile, contact, lead, opportunity, account, activity objects and selected custom objects subject to configuration.

Communications about Salesbolt Products & Services

We also use the contact details we collect in the course of account administration to inform users from time to time about new products or services which we offer, and to invite our customers to consider upgrading to additional services. We will not use that data to market anyone else’s products or services, and we will stop sending non-essential communications to users if they ask us to.

Our legal basis for processing is consent. The contact details we use will be those collected at the time you create your account, we will only ever market similar products and services supplied by  and we will offer you an opportunity to opt-out on each communication.

We retain this data throughout the period that the customer remains a customer or active product user and for two years following termination of the customer contract or the user ceasing use (as the case may be).

Application Extensions

For the application extensions (Browser Extensions), cross-referencing is done purely transitionally as needed. Copies of documents are passed to Salesbolt’s servers for processing, but we do not retain copies once they have been processed. We do not retain copies of documents processed via the application extensions.

Users of Salesbolt products - Browser Extensions (i.e. employees of  customers)

We use the browser plugin itself to collect the personal information described below. The browser plugin does not collect any other personal data. In particular, we do not intercept any secure communications to or from the user’s device or collect any login information for the user’s device.

We act as a data controller where we collect this data. We do so for the purposes highlighted below, and in each case our lawful basis for this processing is legitimate interests. Our legitimate interest in collecting this personal information is the improvement of our products and services.

We retain this data throughout the period that the customer remains a customer or active product user and for two years following termination of the customer contract or the user ceasing use (as the case may be).

Information about other browser plugins

Our browser plugin may also collect information about other browser plugins installed in the user’s browser. We do this to help us to understand how our customers use our services in conjunction with other products, to help us to detect and fix incompatibilities between plugins and to help us improve our services.

Cookies – Users of Salesbolt’s products & Website Visitors

Like most web services, we use cookies to allow our services to work properly, and to provide us with feedback on how people use our services and our website so we can make them better. Cookies are small text files stored in a browser’s cache by our servers and which our servers can read when that browser accesses our site or our services.

You can withdraw your consent by disabling the placing of cookies via your browser settings, but note that this may prevent our services or website from working correctly where essential cookies are also used. Where the use of cookies is essential (in order to allow our services to work properly), our lawful basis for processing is a necessity for the performance of an express or implied contract. If you refuse to allow this processing to take place, we are unable to provide our services or website (as the case may be) to you.

The cookie itself will be retained on your computer until you clear your cookies through browser settings or until the expiry date set on that cookie is reached. The data that we derive from the cookie is retained throughout the period that the customer remains a customer or active product user and for two years following termination of the customer contract or the user ceasing use (as the case may be).

Who we share personal information with and why

We share personal data with some of our suppliers to the extent necessary to allow us to provide and market our own services. For example, personal data will be stored by our hosting providers, and payment information will be processed by our payment processor. Where we do share personal data with our suppliers, we share it with them as our data processor.

Our Security Precautions

We protect our own systems with appropriate technical and organisational measures, including firewalls, access control systems, strong passwords, antivirus software, and robust information security policies. We actively monitor our systems for signs of attack or intrusion.

For more information, see our security statement. However, there are certain aspects of the security of personal data processed by us which are beyond our control.

We expect our users to keep their passwords secure, and to change them promptly if they are compromised. We access our customers’ external cloud services such as cloud CRM systems using security access tokens issued to us by the provider of that service. We cannot control, and are not responsible for, any security failure in that provider’s systems or APIs.

Your rights over your personal data and how to exercise them

The law gives you certain rights in respect of the information that we hold about you. Below is a short overview of the most commonly-used rights. It is not a complete, exhaustive statement of your rights in respect of your personal data.

Your right to withdraw your consent, including to marketing communications

When we process your information on the basis of your consent as the controller of that information (see the section entitled “Who controls your information and who to contact in relation to your information” above), you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time.

You can do that by: Emailing us at privacy@recruiterbolt.com, writing to our head office at the address above, for the attention of the compliance team. In the case of marketing emails, by following the instructions contained in the email. If we are doing something with your data on the basis of your consent and you withdraw it, we will stop doing it.

Accessing your personal data held by us

If you want to exercise a legal right to access your personal data controlled by Recruiterbolt (see the section entitled “Who controls your information and who to contact in relation to your information” above), the easiest and most efficient way to do so is to email privacy@recruiterbolt.com or write to our head office at the address above, for the attention of the compliance team.

You will not have to pay a fee to access your personal data (or to exercise any of the other rights). However, we may charge a reasonable fee if your request is clearly unfounded, repetitive or excessive. Alternatively, we may refuse to comply with your request in these circumstances. Note that in some cases an exception may apply, which we will raise with you if applicable.

Your right to have inaccurate information about you corrected

You have the right to have the information we hold about you corrected if it is factually inaccurate. If you are a customer, or a user of a customer, the easiest way to do this is by updating your CRM account, which Recruiterbolt syncs with.

If auto-sync does not work, please email support@recruiterbolt.com

If you are not a customer of Salesbolt, or a user of a Salesbolt customer, please contact the controller of your data (see the section entitled “Who controls your information and who to contact in relation to your information” above).

Your right to have your information deleted in some circumstances

In some circumstances, and where we control your data (see the section entitled “Who controls your information and who to contact in relation to your information” above), you have the right to require us to delete the information that we hold about you.

In particular, if we are processing your personal information as a data controller on the basis of your consent and you withdraw your consent to that processing, then we will delete the relevant data from our systems unless we have another lawful basis for keeping it.